有许多不同类型的食品制造拉菲2注册登录可用. 选择合适的拉菲2注册登录取决于食品加工机想要完成的任务. 许多食品加工商通常使用三种主要类型的拉菲2注册登录应用程序. These include: manufacturing execution systems (MES), warehouse management systems (WMS) and plant-floor weighing & labeling software solutions.
Manufacturing execution systems (MES) are used in food production facilities to manage the entire production process. 这些系统通常是前台系统,允许用户创建产品文件, manage production schedules, and track production data.
仓库管理系统(WMS)在食品生产设施中用于管理库存. This includes receiving operations, raw ingredient inventory, finished good inventory, sales orders, and shipping operations.
Plant-floor weighing and labeling software is used in food production facilities to capture and track the weight of various items from hanging carcasses, to finished goods cases. 这些系统通常使用序列化的条形码方法来标记产品的可追溯性.